Saturday, January 1, 2011

2 Bros Pizza @ NYC

So there's a secret pizza place (ok not so secret for native new yorkers, yes secret to out-of-towners) in NY, where the pizza is good and super cheap. It's called 2 Bros Pizza, and it's scattered all over Manhattan. Don't just walk by without giving it a try or without even a thought. It's another way you can survive in NYC on the cheap. Ready? You can get a slice of cheese pizza for $1, that's right just $1. You can get two slices and a can of soda for $2.75. Honestly can you find anything cheaper? Even the pizza at Costco isn't cheaper. The best part is that the pizza is fresh because so many people purchase it so they crank out the pizza as fast as possible, and the pizza is actually good. Again even the cheapest pizza place in NY is great, it's better than the expensive pizza in CA. Someone keeps telling me that the pizza in NY is amazing because of the water. We need to start transporting their water here to CA. Someone get on that stat :)

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