Saturday, March 13, 2010

Obsession: Uni

My latest food obsession is Uni, which is the roe of a sea urchin. Let me tell you about this amazing delicacy. Yes in looking at the picture, it looks like a yellow tongue - at least that's what I think the each time I see it. But it definitely does NOT taste like a yellow tongue, hahaha. What does it taste like you ask? Well texture is: creamy, soft, and is like butter where it just melts in your mouth. Taste is absolutely heavenly. It's savory, just the right amount of salt to have that "ump," while at the same time it is very refreshing. I think the moment this touches my tongue, my taste buds go into hyperactivity mode. There is no lie, there is a little salivating going on. Regardless, I want this every day of every week of every month. YUM!!!!! 

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