Thursday, July 16, 2009

"I Was a Baby Builimic" - NY Times

I think I've said this to many of you, the love for food and the amount I eat sometimes, I should be obese. Thankfully I am not, and my metabolism hasn't completely failed me :) I do try to watch what I eat from time to time, and I do go work out, so I suppose it balances. I was reading an article on today, and came across an article from Frank Bruni in the NY Times Magazine, it was titled "I Was a Baby Bulimic" so I was completely interested in what it had to offer. The article was nine pages on the internet, but it captured my attention with every word. It was hilarious, where moments I giggled in my cubicle at work. In short the article is about Frank Bruni and his fascination with food at a very early age, and how he learned to throw up when his mom refused to give him more food because after throwing up, his stomach had room and he could eat some more. This was a child who could consume 3 cheeseburgers in one sitting, and could do more on top of that. His palate was very refined at a young age, especially compared to his two brothers. In the end, he developed an eating disorder because he became fixated with his weight. He was bulimic, and this time he didn't throw up because he wanted to eat more, but because he had ate too much.

The most funny part of the article: [kids at school] joked that my initials, F.B., stood for Fat Boy. Mom told me to ignore it, but there were moments when she herself reminded me that I was larger than I should be. Frustrated by my failure to fend off an older girl at school who regularly taunted and shoved me until I gave her my lunch money, Mom said, “Next time, why don’t you just sit on her?” Mom had never seen her but made the safe assumption that I outweighed her.

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