Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bushi-Tei @ San Francisco

I've always wanted to eat at Bushi-Tei, the menu looks scrumptious, but ouchies with the wallet! I was super excited when I saw a groupon deal where I spent $20 for $40 worth of food. But, when I looked at the dinner menu, it would end up being about $50 a person, since the cheapest dish was around $30. That hurts a lot. So much for the deal. But then there was a lunch menu, and I was sold! Panda and I headed over there for lunch one day. We both had a dish with washugyu, which is American kobe beef...loves it. Melts! Melts! Melts! But in case you wondered how else could anything outshine it, let me tell you about foie gras. Yes. That is it. It was a deal to eat there, we ended up paying $1.23 more than the groupon and of course tip. Love the deal!

Soup of the Day - forgot what it was, but it was clean tasting.

Croque washugyu, caramelized red onion, mozzarella
amazing! it was like perfect! the beef was buttery and full of flavor. i loved how it was open face on a nice and crusty bread. great meal!
Loco Moco
[washugyu burger steak, basil rice, fried egg and salad]
this has got to be the best loco moco i've ever had, and i don't even like loco moco. the chef took a simple everyday meal for islanders and turned it into gourmet food. and i love how there's a fried egg, fried egg on almost anything is yummy. hehehe
Foie Gras w. Shaved Truffles
omg. this was the best thing at the meal. i love foie gras, and yes i am spoiled. it was so simple. nice and seared, nice carmelized sauce and searing. the truffle shaving was so full of flavor. something so tiny was so delicious. i definitely want more of this. i choose foie gras over escargots anytime!

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